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Progressive Experience meets Agora with Morten Granau

Sa., 11. Dez.



Progressive Experience meets Agora with Morten Granau Sa 11.12.2021 23:00 - 07:00 Mainfloor & Anthrazitfloor Progressive & Psychedelic Music

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Progressive Experience meets Agora with Morten Granau
Progressive Experience meets Agora with Morten Granau

Zeit & Ort

11. Dez. 2021, 23:00

Basel, Hagenaustrasse 29, 4056 Basel, Schweiz

Über die Veranstaltung

Progressive Experience meets Agora with Morten Granau Sa 11.12.2021 23:00 - 07:00

Mainfloor & Anthrazitfloor Progressive & Psychedelic Music

★★★ Mainfloor ★★★ ❖ ❖ ❖ LIVE ❖ ❖ ❖ ❂ Morten Granau (FM Bookings / Denmark) ❖ ❖ ❖ DJ'S & LIVE ❖ ❖ ❖ ❂ Cornflakes 3D (Upward Rec / Switzerland) ❂ Solearis (Progressive Experience / Switzerland) ❂ Ling Ling (Darklab Maniacs / Switzerland) ❂ Surreal Galaxy (Progressive Experience / Agora / Germany) ❂ Stadium (Agora / Switzerland)

★★★ Anthrazit Floor ★★★ ❖ ❖ ❖ DJ`S ❖ ❖ ❖ ❂ Tschespito (Stahlwerk, Progressive Experience / Switzerland ❂ Synestix b2b Wrecked Reality (NovaCreatura Music / Switzerland) ❂ Sensor Zero (Progressive Experience / Agora / Switzerland) ❂ Damage (Progressive Experience / Agora / Switzerland)

❖ ❖ ❖ DECO ❖ ❖ ❖ ► Mind Travel Agency

❖ ❖ ❖ LOCATION ❖ ❖ ❖ Club Stahlwerk (ex Borderline) Hagenaustrasse 29 CH-4056 Basel

❖ ❖ ❖ TICKETS ❖ ❖ ❖ ► Only by Ticketino 26.- CHF (Excl Presale Charges) Online:

❖ ❖ ❖ INFOS ❖ ❖ ❖ ► Age limit 18 years +++ ► Yess we sell always some tickets at the entrance ► Drinks and bottles from outside are not allowed ► Start 23:00 / End 07:00 or longer ► Questions ► Birthday between 11.12 - 12.12 yess of course free Entry send a email to, enjoy your Birthday ► Lounge Reservation send a email to ► If you love it then share it

Der junge Mann aus Kopenhagen namens Morten Granau, der schon fast im Kindesalter als DJ tätig war, gilt als einer jugendlichen und hochdynamischen Quelle für progressive Grooves. In nur wenigen Jahren hat sich Morten Granau vom Newcomer zum Headliner-Status entwickelt. Der Produktionsstil von Morten Granau ist abwechslungsreich und schwer zu lokalisieren. Es gibt einen sehr tiefen und psychedelischen Touch klassischer Progressive Trance, aber auch ein modernes Gefühl von Club-Funkiness.

Auf 2 Floors gibts kräftige unterstüzung von Solearis, Cornflakes 3D, Ling Ling, Surreal Galaxy, Stadium, Damage, Sensor Zero, Synestix b2b Wrecked Reality und Tschespito

Eine Transformation vom Club gibt es diesmal von Mind Travel Agency

The young man from Copenhagen named Morten Granau, who worked as a DJ almost as a child, is considered a youthful and highly dynamic source of progressive grooves. In just a few years, Morten Granau has developed from newcomer to headlining status. Morten Granau's production style is varied and difficult to pinpoint. There is a very deep and psychedelic touch of classic progressive trance, but also a modern feel of club funkiness.

On 2 floors there is strong support from Solearis, Cornflakes 3D, Ling Ling, Surreal Galaxy, Stadium, Damage, Sensor Zero, Synestix b2b Wrecked Reality and Tschespito

This time there is a transformation of the club from Mind Travel Agency

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